
Commitment NumberCommitmentDownload Link
1Employ innovation and technology to ensure adolescents and youth attain the highest possible standard of health and eliminate teenage pregnancies by 2030Download
2Eliminate preventable maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality, mother to child transmission of HIV, and severe morbidity such as fistulas by 2030Download
3Progressively increase health sector financing to 15 percent of total budget, as per the Abuja declaration, by 2030Download
4Improve support to older persons, persons with disabilities, orphans, and vulnerable childrenDownload
5Enhance integration of population, health and development programmes and projects into Medium Term Plans (MTPs) and the Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) to ensure budgetary allocations and efficient implementation of programmes and projects by 2030. Download
6Enhance the capacity of relevant Government institutions to increase availability and accessibility to high quality, timely and reliable population and related dataDownload
7Integrate population issues into the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of all policies and programmes relating to sustainable development at national, county and sub-county levels by 2030Download
8Harness the demographic dividend through investments in health and citizens wellbeing; education and skills training; employment creation and entrepreneurship; and rights, governance and empowerment of young peopleDownload
9Eliminate legal, policy and programmatic barriers that impede youth participation.Download
10Attain universal basic education by ensuring 100 percent transition of pupils, including those with special needs and disabilities, from early learning to secondary educationDownload
11Improve the employability and life-skills of youths by enhancing quality and relevance of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in partnership with industries and private sectorDownload
12Fully implement the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) so that learners are equipped with relevant competenciesDownload
13End Female Genital Mutilation by strengthening coordination in the area of legislation and policy framework, communication and advocacy, evidence generation and support cross border collaboration on elimination of FGM by 2022Download
14Eliminate, by 2030, all forms of gender-based violence, including child and forced marriages, by addressing social and cultural norms that propagate the practice while providing support to women and girls who have been affectedDownload
15End gender and other forms of discrimination by 2030 through enforcing the anti-discrimination laws and providing adequate budgetary allocations to institutions mandated to promote gender equality, equity and empowerment of women and girlsDownload
16Ensure universal access to quality reproductive health services, including prevention and management of GBV, in humanitarian and fragile contexts by 2030Download
17Track and monitor the implementation of the ICPD25 Nairobi Summit Commitments through the National Council for Population and Development in the State Department of PlanningDownload