Keziah Oloo's remarks at 2nd ICPD25 Anniversary Event


Cabinet secretaries;

Principal Secretaries;

Chair, Council of Governors;

Development Partners;

Members of the Diplomatic Corps;

The Director General, NCPD;

Ladies and Gentlemen; Good morning!

When the government of Kenya committed to improving young people's lives at the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25, the young people of Kenya, myself included, were excited.

As you have heard in the short video that has just played, implementation of the ICPD25 commitments is already changing the lives of young people in my community.

In Mombasa where I live, the County Government of Mombasa, has made a good attempt at engaging young people in decision making processes.

Through the budget making process, the community score card exercise that I mentioned in the video, among other opportunities, young people have meaningfully engaged with decision makers on matters health.

When young people are engaged in decision making, their most pressing needs can be addressed.

We as young people asked the county government of Mombasa for access to youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services

As a result:

A youth friendly centre has been revamped, equipped, and has a nurse trained on provision of youth friendly sexual and reproductive health services posted at Mikindani Dispensary where I live. 

Across the road in Chaani, another similar youth friendly centre was launched in October at Chaani Dispensary .

Young people in Mikindani and Chaani now have a better chance at dealing with the sexual and reproductive health issues facing us - teenage pregnancy; new HIV infections; maternal injuries and deaths; and sexual and gender-based violence among other challenges.

Our story in Mombasa is similar to what’s happening in other places  in other places, spurred on by the Kenya country commitments at the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25.

Thousands of young people, spurred by the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25’s rallying call: zero unmet need for family planning information and services; zero preventable maternal deaths; and zero sexual and gender-based violence and harmful practices against women and girls;

These young people are working in their communities to contribute to the Kenya country commitments. In West Pokot, In Meru, in Nakuru, In Kilifi and across the country.  

As I speak today, representing the voice of young people, I ask all public institutions and public officials to deliberately involve young people in decision making, planning and implementation of development activities. 

Young people are the present and the future, and to achieve the three promises of ICPD25 we need to have young people fully on board!

We cannot achieve our development objectives unless young people are fully on board.

Thank you and God bless you!