The Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 was mooted to track and accelerate progress in the implementation of the 1994 ICPD Programme of Action (PoA) as agreed on in Cairo. The 2019 Summit aimed to achieve the following objectives:
- Obtain strong political commitment for the Cairo ICPD agenda
- Create political and financial momentum to advance the ICPD agenda, as an indispensable part of Agenda 2030, particularly the Three Zeros on preventable maternal mortality, unmet need for family planning and eliminating harmful practices including FGM
- Offer an inclusive platform for a broad range of Member States and other stakeholders to come together around the universally applicable principle of rights and choices for all
Under the banner of accelerating the promise and leaving no one behind, the United Nations Member States were encouraged to recommit to the Programme of Action within the five thematic areas, namely:
- Essential Sexual Reproductive Health package of interventions and Universal Health Coverage
- Creating financing momentum
- Demographic diversity and sustainable development
- Gender Based Violence and Harmful practices
- Sexual Reproductive Health in Humanitarian and Fragile Contexts
During the Nairobi Summit on ICPD25 Kenya made 17 commitments touching on all the five thematic areas.
With particular emphasis, Commitment No.17 mandated the National Council for Population and Development (NCPD) to Track, Monitor and Report on the Kenya Country Commitments implementation.
The ICPD25KenyaHub is one of the many strategies that NCPD is using to continuously share quality information, increase advocacy and educate the public on the commitments. The Hub will also assist in tracking progress and reporting.
Accelerating the Promise: Equitable Actions to the Last Mile